Friday, February 19, 2010

Selective Focus

This photo focuses on the rocks on the concrete but also the viewer to have the depth of field by looking at the damn and the fence in the background. 

This photo focuses on the ice in the front giving it a lot of texture while allowing the road and the trees in the background to be faded and less focused. 

Texture and Lines

This photo was taken of a damn, showing the texture of the water and the lines in the stream of the water. It also has the texture of the tree branches and the wall. It was taken late afternoon giving the warmer tones. 

This photo shows the texture of the thin ice as well as the vines behind it. It was warm from afternoon light and the whole composition uses textures.


This photo was taken on the river under a bridge. I like how trees in the arch way are reflected by the water but also continue back showing depth. It was manual white balance and ISO of 400.

This landscape was taken right before sunset giving the warm tones. It is of a river and the weeds the line the banks of the river. I like how not only can you see the progression of the river but also the horizon line. 


This photo symbolizes how sometimes I get annoyed when people mix me and my twin sister up and call us the wrong names. We wore the same shirt to show that even if we are dressed similarly we ARE different,  For this photo the I manually set the white balance and the ISO was 400. 

This picture represents that wasting paper is annoying, unwrapping tiny pieces of candy is annoying, and especially the sound of people unwrapping things in class is really annoying. I took this photo on the macro setting to enhance the front starburst while the others faded as they went back. 


This photo was taken while she was sitting on a fence. The I set the white balance and the ISO was 400. I blurred the background so that the emphasis would be on her face. I liked how warm the colors were especially on her face because it was taken at right before the sun was about to set. 

For this photo, the white balance was set and the ISO of 400. I chose to make it black and white so it would enhance the details of her face. I like how contrasted her hair is to the background. 

For this photo I wanted to show the bright colors of her hair and shirt against the snow. I took the photo from above and the I set the white balance and the ISO of 400 to capture it. I like the vibrance of the colors.

Friday, February 12, 2010


For this photo, I used tissue paper and made it look aged to create the overlaying texture. The original photo had some slight texture from the barn door but by adding the tissue paper it creates the more rusted and aged look while making the boring background more interesting. I then also took the texture of wood to create a more even texture. The edges were burned enhance the composition. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

idris khan emulation

I chose this picture because I thought the simpleness of the structure would be enhanced by multiple layers. I changed all the images to be black and white to help show the detail better. The composition was set so that the barn is very prominent but their are background details such as the trees on the side and the fence in the front to create a more interesting composition. 

Friday, February 5, 2010


Macro highlighted the lock and the wood's detail while leaving the background blurred and out of the focal point.

The settings were the same as the previous, using macro to highlight the detail in the front.

I used the macro setting also allowing the fire hydrant to be focused and the street behind be hazy so the focal point is the hydrant.

For this photo, I used the macro setting to draw the focus on the red bench and blurring the trees in the background.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


 In my montage I used the way my mom sees me to pick pictures that represent my characteristics and what makes me who I am. The initial background is a classic black and white photo of a city and the bench. It simply shows my love for black and white photography and my mom viewing me as a city girl. The left top side is a monarch butterfly represents my family because I love my family. The door layered over the left side represents my bright future, open doors. The waterfall on the right symbolizes that I go with the flow. The yellow sunflower in the top right shows my favorite color since I was little and also I have vibrant energetic, outgoing personality. The bottom right is my signature symbolizing that I am unique. 


This photo was taken with the auto white balance and and ISO of 800. It kept the photo pretty clear and I really liked how the rust color contrasted with the shadows inside the circle tube. 

For this photo, I took the photo with an ISO of 400 to keep the clearness of the photo. I really liked how the red popped against the blue, ripped wall. 

For this photo, the ISO was changed to 800 but the photograph remained really similar to when the photo was taken with an ISO of 40o and 1200. I liked how the colors reflected the true winter weather of cold and bright. 

I like this photo because it shows the detail and colors in the bricks. It was taken at a set white balance and compensation was at zero. I took the photo at ISO of 400 because it was the lowest on the camera and I liked how it allowed the photo to be clear and not grainy. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


For this photo, the white balance was set and then I changed the compensation to +1 to show the light colors of the snow and the basketball backboard.

For this photo, I put the white balance on automatic and changed the compensation to +1 and this allowed the photo to show the natural winter colors. 

For this photo, I kept the white balance on automatic and changed the compensation to +1. I liked how the yellow light from the light was contained allowing the other colors to really reflect the natural light. I really like how it allowed the green leaves to pop. 



For this photo, i kept the white balance on automatic and the compensation at -1. I like how this allowed the brown branches and window panels to be darker and more eerie looking.